How is therapy different from talking with a friend or family member?

How is therapy different from talking with a friend or family member?

Posted On: July 23, 2018

Friends and family can be wonderful to talk with; however, because they are involved in your life, they may have strong reactions or be personally invested in your decisions. As therapists, we provide a more neutral perspective to you.

Our goal is to help you clarify what you are thinking and feeling so you can make good choices about your life. We can provide tools to reduce symptoms while also looking underneath the surface to help you understand why challenges arise to begin with.

Because our relationship is a professional one, you will find it easier to talk about issues that might feel “off-limits” in other contexts.

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Millennium Plaza
155 N Michigan Ave,
Suites 326
Chicago, IL 60601
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2530 Crawford Ave
Suite 308
Evanston, IL 60201
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